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Federal Funds are available for Disaster Survivors!
| The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program
The Federal Government's Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP) provides disaster survivors with information, support, services and a way to access and apply for assistance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), acts as the managing partner under the Department of Homeland Security. You could find over 70 forms of assistance to disaster survivors on their website!| Other Disaster Assistance
The FEMA Housing Portal can help individuals and families who have been displaced by a disaster find a place to live. Use this website to search for available rental units in your area that have been provided by federal agencies, private organizations, and the public to assist individuals and families affected by disasters.The Disaster Recovery Center Locator (DRC) will help you search for DRCs near you and find additional information about each DRC, such as hours of operation, services offered, and driving directions.